We recruit Asian drivers with valid driving license. We are a recruitment agency in Riga, Latvia. The Asian workers who come to work here in EU are stable, hard working and they work for several years in a single company. They are happy to work during night, holidays and weekends. If you want to hire them, we will prepare all paperwork ourselves. Only 100 Euro is total cost (by the employer) to bring a worker to Latvia or EU.

Профессия: Водитель грузовой машины
Пред. опыт работы по спец.: Более 5-и лет
Образование: Бакалавр
Пройденные курсы: We recruit Asian Truck drivers to Latvia. They are experienced, stable and hardworking. We are a recruitment agency from Riga.
Знание языков: Английский
Возраст: 30
Желаемый график работы: Ежедневно
Наличие водительских прав: Есть
Место жительства: Рига, центр
Место:Рига, центр

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 04.04.2024 18:48