The home bilingual kindergarten "Pekausis" welcomes children from the age of 8 months . Here is a great place where your baby can start his first steps in kindergarten - in a calm and safe environment, in the company of up to 10 children. Professional preschool teachers with 15 years of experience provide an individual approach and care for each child, age-appropriate activities, developmental games, musical, rhythmic and language (Latvian, Russian and English) lessons. We provide walks at the pine forest twice a day, as well as home-cooked food from bio-products, an individually prepared menu for children with health problems is also possible. We also accept children with special needs. You can also leave the child part-time (a couple of days a week or a few hours a day) and also on holidays, as well as take them home. Welcome to the home kindergarten "Pekausis".

Профессия: Няня
Пред. опыт работы по спец.: Более 10-и лет
Образование: Высшее
Сфера образования: Pedagoģijas
Знание языков: Латышский, Русский, Английский, Немецкий
Возраст: 46
Желаемый график работы: Рабочие дни
Наличие водительских прав: Есть
Наличие авто: Есть
Место жительства: Юрмала, Дзинтари
Место:Юрмала, Дзинтари

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 07.02.2024 20:45