Īpašnieks iznomā " B" kategorijas biroja telpas Rīgā, Braslas ielā 20. Biroja ēka atrodas augsti attīstības infrastruktūras rajonā, netālu no T/C Domina. Pie ēkas fasādes ir bezmaksas autostāvvieta klientiem. Diennakts apsardze un videonovērošana.
Biroja telpa atrodas 1.stāvā ar kopējo platību 16 m2. Nomas maksa 5 EUR/m2+3.60 EUR/m2 komunālie makājumi, kuros iekļauta apsaimniekošana, ūdens un kanalizācija, elektrība un apsardze + PVN 21%.
The owner is leasing out a category B space, within a modernised office building, which is located close to the city centre, within an area of flourishing and developed infrastrukture including a convenient transporting network, which includes personal transport, as well as public transport. There is parking available around the perimeter of the building, which is free of charge. The offise space is found on the 1th floor, and the dimensions are 16 m2. The price is 5 euro per 1m2 in addition to a 3.60 euro - charge for taxations and additional fees like security, electricity and water.
For the comfort of the office occupants, there is a cafe " KEBABI" which is connected to the office building, where they can enjoy a plentiful and gualitu meal.

Город: Рига
Район: Пурвциемс
Улица: Браслас 20 [Карта]
Площадь: 16 м²
Этаж / этажей: 1/4
Цена: 138 €/мес. (8.63 €/м²)

Телефон: (+371)26-51-***
Телефон: (037)1674-4-***
E-mail: Отправить e-mail

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 15.09.2024 10:47