Īpašnieks iznomā telpas ar parketu un siltajām grīdām. Piemērotas arī ārstniecībai, jo ir panduss vides pieejamībai. Kopēja terase. divas ieejas- viena caur kopējo katlutelpu, ko iespējams nodalīt un nenomāt (18, 7 kvm). Varat arī ierīkot dzīvokli (agrāk ir bijis un tad paši liekat virtves iek. ). Ir iespējams nomāt ar izpirkuma tiesībām pēc gada. Lieliska satiksme ar Centru. Ārstu māja- doktorāts. Ir iespējams nomāt arī pirkt/nomāt citas telpas 1. un 3.stāvā. Ir pārdošanā ~900 kvm zeme aiz terases (baltā būve tiek nojaukta- saskaņots). Logi Austrumu un Dienvidu pusē. Koka stutes var demontēt un likt metāla šveileri.

The owner rents rooms with parquet and warm floors. They are also suitable for treatment, as there is a platform for environmental accessibility. Shared terrace. two entrances - one through the common boiler room, which can be separated and not rented (18.7 sq. m. ). You can also furnish an apartment (it has been there in the past and then you put in the kitchen yourself). It is possible to rent with the right to buy after a year. Excellent traffic to the Center. House of doctors - doctorate. It is also possible to rent a good half-basement, or buy/rent other rooms on the 1st and 3rd floors. There is ~900 square meters of land for sale behind the terrace (the white hut will be demolished - agreed). Windows on the East and South sides. The wooden studs can be dismantled and a metal shutter can be installed.

Город: Рига
Район: Агенскалнс
Улица: Баложу 28 [Карта]
Площадь: 86 м²
Этаж / этажей: 1/1
Цена: 600 €/мес. (6.98 €/м²)


Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 22.06.2024 11:29