Ru/ Engl Subconscious self.
Частные сессии регрессивного гипноза по Майклу Ньютону (книга "Путешествие души")для просмотра
- Предназначения
- Общения с ушедшими родственниками
- Понимания характера связи с человеком
Также решаются вопросы:
- Кармические долги
- Отношений
- Бизнесса
- Качество жизни
- Устранение причин аутоимунных недомоганий.

Консультация десятиминутная по телефону безоплатно

I specialise in childhood trauma and the workings of the subconscious self.
Through sessions of hypnososis and specialised hypnotherapy I help clients work through the layers of consciousness and surface the root cause of discomfort within the self.
Giving agency to the clients regarding their emotional state during hypno sessions as well changing the perspective employed in different sessions, I aim to help clients transition from passive to active roles within their inner network where a new choice in options open to them at the time travelled to during our sessions, helps open new doors within as well as outside of them.
Through these new surfaced emotions, i aim to help clients learn from their inner state and the story it is trying to tell them. Often, these stories are the key in discovering oneself - whether immediately or through a series of pivotal events that follow.
Consultation by phone 10 min free.

Название: Другое
Время работы: 9-21
Местонахождение: Рига, центр
Цена: 300 €
Место:Рига, центр

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 14.03.2024 21:29