As an English-medium co-educational school, the International Montessori School of Latvia blends IB PYP and Montessori principles to nurture internationally-minde d leaders and compassionate problem solvers. We empower generations to create a brighter worldwhere happy, responsible, independent, and creative children confidently express themselves, living peacefully and actively contributing to positive global change.

The children attending IMSOL are a diverse student body. Exposed to a broad-based curriculum and indicated with the love of learning, students in the mixed age classroom learn from each other. They develop leadership skills and learn to respect each other and treat each other with courtesy.
Would you like to learn more about International Montessori School of Latvia? Join us at Open House, April 20th at 13:00
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Возраст: 6- 12
Местонахождение: Рига, центр
Цена: 750 €/мес.
Место:Рига, центр

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 08.04.2024 10:00