Ideala stavokli, ar optisko krosfeideri.

-It's a budget rip-off of the vestax pmc 07(nicely done though)
-The line faders are 45 mm, not 60 mm
-The crossfader is super smooth (more on that later)


It's a straight forward scratch mixer.
everything is in the right place and there is enough space on the faceplate for all you scratch heads.
Didn't need the manual


For a mixer in this price range the sound quality is superb.
The eq is effective and has full kills.


-The crossfader is super smooth for a mixer in this price class
It's actually the same crossfader that's build into the american audio qd5 scratchmixer. The qd5 was the so called best beginner scratch mixer because of it's optical crossfader. So i find it funny that this mixer didn't had the same succes. I had this mixer for 6 years now and there hasn't been a issieu with the crossfader since i bought it. Yeah it starts to stick a bit after a while, but after a bit of cleaning it's like brand new. The cut in of this crossfader is also really sharp. and you can adjust the lag of the fader if you take it out. Its already factory set to the shortest lag that's about 2 mm. I did a creditcard mod so my lag is about 1 mm now.

-the cross and line faders have full curve adjustments and hamster switches

Марка: Reloop
Модель: Scratch2
Состояние: б/у
Цена: 145 €
Телефон: (+371)29-79-***
E-mail: Отправить e-mail

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 26.04.2024 11:11