Interested in exchange.
Wonderful young lady with light, plastic, wide movements. Very brave and calm, has iron nerves, smart head and gentle heart. Latvian warmblood breed, 2 years old, 155 cm at the moment. Expecting 165-170 cm. Absolutely healthy. Fresh blood tests. Farier, deworming - regular.
Video: on request
Price: 36 Or exchange on grey colt (young stallion) sport breed 1-1, 5 - 2 years old

Местонахождение: Литва, Висагинский р-он
Возраст: 2 лет
Цена: 3 600 €
Место:Литва, Висагинский р-он

Уникальных просмотров: 1
Дата: 16.08.2024 08:55