Pārdodam divas noliktavas ēkas Bērzkrogā.
Kopējā teritorija ir 1.60ha un kopējā ēku platība sasniedz 1842.40 m2
Ēkas būvētas ar labas kvalitātes ķieģeļu sienām ar cietu betona pamatni. Viena no ēkām aprīkota ar drošām slēdzamām paceļamām durvīm. Ēkas un teritorija aprīkotas ar videonovērošanas sistēmu.
Katrai no ēkām ir savs elektrības pieslēgums.
Ēkas piemērotas gan kā noliktavas, gan dažādām ražošanas iecerēm. Mazāk kā kilometra attālumā atrodas divas degvielas uzpildes stacijas Neste un Cirkle K un ēdināšanas, un pārtikas iegādes punkts.
For sale: two warehouse buildings located Bērzkrogs .
The total land area is 1.60 hectares, and the total building area is 1, 842.40 square meters.
The buildings are constructed with brick walls and solid concrete foundations. One of the buildings is equipped with secure, lockable doors that can be lifted to allow easier access for machinery.
These buildings were formerly used for agricultural and cattle purposes and, more recently, have been used for storing root vegetables. Each building has its own electricity connection, and the entire area is equipped with video surveillance.
These buildings are an excellent starting point for various storage needs or for developing different types of production facilities.
Within less than a kilometer, there are two fully equipped fuel stations, Neste and Circle K and catering facility with grocery store.
Pilsēta, rajons:
Cēsis un raj.
Veselavas pag.
Bērzkrogs [Karte]
1.60 m²
Kadastra numurs:
100 000 € (62 500 €/m²)
Sludinājumi © ss sia 2000