Jūsu miera osta Mārupē, izcilā lokācijā zem vērtējuma cenas.

Šī īpašuma trīs lielie bonusi:
1. perfektais mājas plānojums - ar 3 sanitārajiem mezgliem un lieliski izvietotajām ģērbtuvju un noliktavu zonām
2. plašā stiklotā terase - kurā gan baudīt mazāk siltās dienas, gan uzrīkot lieliskas dārzu ballītes, nepiebradājot visu māju
3. mājas izcilā atrašanās vieta. Un blakus neaizbūvēta plaša pļava, pār kuru paveras lielisks skats no balkona.

Pašā ēkā uzturēties ir tik tīkami, ka ceļojumos pa ārzemēm vienmēr vēlēsieties atgriezties savās jaukajās mājās.
Māja ir pilnībā aprīkota ar pasaulē vadošo tehniku – virtuves furnitura no Blum, sadzīves tehnika no Siemens. 3 pakešu logi un slīdošās durvis no virtuves ļauj iziet uz stikloto terasi un tā – uz dārzu. Terase vērsta uz dienvidu pusi un pat aukstajos mēnešos dos jums iespēju sajust saules pieskārienu.
Ēkai ir divi stāvi, tā ir dārgākā gala LivaLux izpildījums ar augstiem būvniecības un energoefektivitātes standartiem. Starpstāvos ielikts papildus skaņu aizturošs slānis, kā rezultātā pilnībā nedzird otrā stāvā staigāšanu atrodoties pirmajā.

Pirmajā stāvā foajē, darba istaba, viesu WC, plaša viesistaba apvienota ar virtuvi un stiklota terase, uz kuras var nokļūt pa divām durvīm, ģērbtuve caur kuru nokļūt katlu telpā un, no kuras vēl viena izeja uz garāžu, kas ērti kalpo kā īsceļš.

Otrajā stāvā: foajē, saimnieku guļamistaba ar privātu vannasistabu, plašu ģērbtuvi/skapi un balkons ar skatu uz dienvidu pusi. Vecāku istabu no bērnu istabām atdala otra vannasistaba ar vannu, bērniem. Abām bērnu istabām pa vidu ir kopējs skapis/ģērbtuve un no katras istabas iespējams uziet uz otru balkonu kurš ir vērsts uz ziemeļu pusi. Bērnu istabas jumta korē iespējams ievietot vēl vienu papildu gultu, tādejādi panākot ērtu dzīvošanu diviem bērniem vienā istabā.

Mājai ir garāža – vieta instrumentiem, saimniecībai, velo vai automašīnai. Ir auto nojume starp garāžu un māju, tādejādi turot divus auto zem jumta. Pagalmā ieklātais bruģis ļauj iebraukt arī trešajam auto pie vajadzības.

Tehniskie dati:
Ēka būvēta 2012.g. Ekspluatācijā nodota 2013.gadā. Viss plānojums atbilst kadastrālai uzmerīšanas lietai. Nav veiktas patvaļīgas būvniecības. Dzīvojamā platība 160m2, veranda 26m2, garāža 20m2, saimniecības telpa 20m2. Kvalitatīvi PVC logi ar bīdāmām durvīm uz terasi. Griestu augstums 2, 70m pirmajā un 3, 10 otrajā stāvā.
Apkure: gāzes katls Junker (visā mājā siltās grīdas), ar automātiskajiem iestatījumiem padara mājas apsildi ļoti efektīvu un ekonomisku – ziemas mēnešos maksimālais rēķins par apkuri un ūdens uzsildi TIKAI 130 Eur. Vidējais gada patēriņš mēnesī 1000MWh.
Mājai ir Mārupes pilsētas centrālais ūdens ar papildus mīkstinātāju filtru. Kanalizācija – lokālā.
Optiskais internets. Signalizācija

Teritorija: iežogota un vārti atveras elektriski ar pults palīdzību.
Dārzā ir ierakti 3 ūdens izvadi zāles un pašaudzēto labumu laistīšanai. Instalēts zāles robots, kurš veic ikdienas zāles pļaušanas pienākumus jūsu komfortam.

Apkārtne: 100m no mājas atrodas mini bmx trasīte, basketbola laukums un sporta trenežieru laukums, kurā pavadīt vakarus ar ģimeni sportiskā gaisotnē. Tikai 1km jeb 15min gājienā gan Mārupes Valsts ģimnāzija, gan Mārupes centrs - dome, pārtikas veikali Rimi, Maxima, Lidl, autobusu pieturas, vairāki restorāni, aptieka, sporta klubs u. c. PILAT ID 8375

Ja vēlies iegādāties šo īpašumu, bet Tev ir jāpārdod savs, vai nepieciešams kredīts tā iegādei, mūsu speciālisti var palīdzēt. Mūsu birojs atrodas Elijas ielā 17, Rīgā.

Your peace haven in Marupe, in a quiet private house area, a five-room fulfillment is being sold below the appraisal price.

The three major bonuses of this property:
1. Perfect house layout - with 3 bathrooms and well-located dressing rooms and storage areas
2. Spacious glass terrace - where you can enjoy the less warm days and host great garden parties without disturbing the entire house
3. Excellent location of the house. And next to an undeveloped spacious lawn, with a great view from the balcony.

Staying in the building is so pleasant that when traveling abroad, you will always want to return to your cozy home. The house is fully equipped with world-leading technology - kitchen furniture from Blum, household appliances from Siemens. 3 package windows and sliding doors from the kitchen allow you to go out to the glass terrace and from there - to the garden. The terrace is facing south and even in the cold months, it will give you the opportunity to feel the touch of the sun.
The building has two floors, it is the most expensive LivaLux model with high construction and energy efficiency standards. An additional sound-absorbing layer is placed between the floors, as a result, you will not hear walking on the second floor when on the first.

On the first floor, there is a foyer, a study, a guest toilet, a spacious living room combined with a kitchen and a glass terrace, which can be accessed through two doors, a dressing room through which you can enter the boiler room and from which there is another exit to the garage, which conveniently serves as a shortcut.

On the second floor: a foyer, a master bedroom with a private bathroom, a spacious dressing room/closet, and a balcony with a view to the south. The parent 's room is separated from the children 's rooms by another bathroom with a bathtub for the children. Both children 's rooms have a shared closet/dressing room in the middle and from each room, you can go out to another balcony facing north. In the children 's room attic, an additional bed can be placed, thus providing comfortable living for two children in one room.

The house has a garage - a place for tools, household items, bicycles, or a car. There is a carport between the garage and the house, thus keeping two cars under the roof. The paved courtyard allows for a third car to enter if needed.

Technical data:
The building was built in 2012 and put into operation in 2013. The entire layout corresponds to the cadastral survey. No arbitrary construction has been carried out.
Housing area 160m2, veranda 26m2, garage 20m2, holding space 20m2. Quality PVC windows with sliding doors to the terrace. Ceiling height 2.70 m on the first and 3.10 on the second floors.
Heating: gas boiler Junkers (all house warm floors), with automatic settings makes home heating very efficient and economical - in winter months, the maximum heating bill and water heating ONLY €130. Average annual consumption per month 1000MWh.
The house has the central water of the town of Marupe with an extra softener filter. Sewer - local.
Optical Internet. Alarm

Territory: fenced and gates open electrically with a remote control.
In the garden, there are 3 water outlets for watering the lawn and self-grown produce. An automatic lawn mower has been installed to perform daily lawn mowing duties for your comfort.

Surroundings: 100m from the house there is a mini BMX track, a basketball court, and a sports equipment area where you can spend evenings with your family in a sporty atmosphere. Just 1km or a 15-minute walk away are both Marupe State Gymnasium and Marupe Center - city council, grocery stores Rimi, Maxima, Lidl, bus stops, several restaurants, pharmacy, sports club, etc.

Your peaceful haven in Marupe, in a quiet private house neighborhood, a five-room execution is being sold below the appraisal price.

The three major bonuses of this property:
1. Perfect house layout - with 3 bathrooms and well-located dressing rooms and storage areas
2. Spacious glass terrace - where you can enjoy the slightly warmer days and host great garden parties without disturbing the whole house
3. Excellent location of the house. And next to an undeveloped spacious lawn, with a great view from the balcony.

Staying in the building is so comfortable that when traveling abroad, you will always want to return to your cozy home. The house is fully equipped with world-leading technology - kitchen furniture from Blum, household appliances from Siemens. 3 package windows and sliding doors from the kitchen allow you to go out to the glass terrace and from there - to the garden. The terrace is facing south and even in the cold months will give you the opportunity to feel the touch of the sun. The building has two floors, it is the most expensive LivaLux execution with high construction and energy efficiency standards. An additional sound-absorbing layer is placed between the floors, as a result, you will not hear walking on the second floor while on the first.

On the first floor, there is a foyer, a study, a guest toilet, a spacious living room combined with a kitchen and a glass terrace, which can be accessed through two doors, a dressing room through which you can enter the boiler room and another exit to the garage, which conveniently serves as a shortcut.

On the second floor: a foyer, a master bedroom with a private bathroom, a spacious dressing room/closet, and a balcony with a view to the south. The parent 's room is separated from the children 's rooms by another bathroom with a bathtub for the children. Both children 's rooms have a shared closet/dressing room and from each room, you can go out to another balcony facing north. In the children 's room 's roof space, you can place another additional bed, thus ensuring comfortable living for two children in one room.

The house has a garage - a place for tools, household items, bicycles, or a car. There is a carport between the garage and the house, thus keeping two cars under the roof. The paved courtyard allows for a third car to enter if needed.

Technical data:
The building was built in 2012 and put into operation in 2013. The entire layout corresponds to the cadastral survey. No arbitrary construction has been carried out.
Heating: gas boiler (underfloor heating throughout the house)
The house has Marupe 's central water with an additional softener filter. Sewerage - local.
Optical internet. Alarm system.

Territory: fenced and gates open electrically with a remote control.
In the garden, there are 3 water outlets installed for watering the lawn and self-grown crops. A lawn robot is installed, which performs daily lawn mowing duties for your comfort.

Surroundings: 100m from the house is a mini BMX track, a basketball court, and a sports training ground, where you can spend evenings with your family in a sporty atmosphere. Just 1km or a 15-minute walk away are both Marupe State Gymnasium and Marupe Center - the city council, grocery stores Rimi, Maxima, Lidl, bus stops, several restaurants, a pharmacy, a sports club, etc.

Pilsēta/pagasts: Mārupes pag.
Pilsēta, rajons: Rīgas rajons
Ciems: Mārupe
Iela: Sauleslīču 1 [Karte]
Platība: 240 m²
Stāvu skaits: 2
Istabas: 5
Zemes platība: 1371 m²
Ērtības: Centrālā apkure, Dārzs, Garāža, Gāzes katls, Karstais ūdens
Cena: 320 000 €

Tālrunis: (+371)23-07-***
E-mail: Nosūtīt e-pastu
WWW: apskatīties
Vieta:Rīgas rajons

Unikālo apmeklējumu skaits: 1
Datums: 27.09.2024 09:00