Piedāvāju Elektriķa pakalpojumus. Varu palīdzēt arī ar Internetu un kamerām. Esmu no Jelgavas. Izbraukums pie Klienta pēc norunas, konkrēta laiku sarunāsim.

Profession: Electrician
Previous work experience in the specialty: More than 10 years
Education: Secondary vocational
Sphere of education: Enerģētiķis
Finished courses: 4
Knowledge of languages: Latvian, Russian, English
Age: 33
Desired work schedule: By choice
Availability of driver license: Yes
Availability of car: Yes
Residence: Jelgava and reg., Jelgava
Phone: (+371)22-33-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Place:Jelgava and reg., Jelgava

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 23.12.2024 13:54