Profession: | Electrician |
Previous work experience in the specialty: | More than 10 years |
Education: | Secondary vocational |
Finished courses: | Kontrolieri, 1kV spriegum aktīvie darbi, kabeļu montāža un apdare . C. drošības grupa. Tp sausa tīrīšana. Elektrotehniskie mērījumi |
Knowledge of languages: | Latvian, Russian, English, Estonian |
Age: | 49 |
Desired work schedule: | Any |
Availability of driver license: | Yes |
Availability of car: | Yes |
Residence: | Jelgava and reg., Jelgava |
Phone: | (+371)26-00-*** |
E-mail: | Send e-mail |
Place: | Jelgava and reg., Jelgava |
Number of unique visits: 1 Date: 16.12.2024 21:03 |