Meklēju darbu uz ekskavatora lai būtu visu cauru gadu, dariti dažādi darbi ar ekskavatoru, ir Tr1 Tr2 TR4 traktortiesibas, B kat autotiesibas

Profession: Dredger
Previous work experience in the specialty: More than 10 years
Education: Secondary vocational
Sphere of education: Ceļu būve
Knowledge of languages: Latvian, Russian
Age: 52
Desired work schedule: Working days
Availability of driver license: Yes
Residence: Liepaja and reg., Liepaja
Phone: (+371)29-52-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Place:Liepaja and reg., Liepaja

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 22.10.2024 05:07