A professional accountants with more than 10 years of experience and relevant certificates in the industry offers high-quality, timely and professional accounting services.
We provide accounting services to small and medium-sized SIA, as well as prepare and submit all kinds of documents to the company register. We are specializing in the service of SIA (LTD).
The prices of accounting services starts from 120 EUR/month + VAT.

Write to e-mail a description of SIA (LTD) - registration number, approximate number of documents per month (incoming invoices, outgoing invoices), number of employees. Provide a brief description of the company's operations and document flow, as well as express your wishes and what you expect from the accounting service provider.

Type of service: Accounting services
Company name: Gramatvedibas birojs

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 27.03.2024 10:52