Lāses AM aicina savai komandai pievienoties miesnieku. Sīkāka info zvanot.

Profession: Butcher
Employer status: Entity
Company name: Lāses am
Registration number: Lv41201007493
Desired education: Not lower than secondary
Working days: Workingdays
Working hours: 8.00-17.00
Location: Kuldiga and reg., Kuldīga
Address, street: Valles, Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīga
Phone: (+371)29-35-***
Phone: (+371)29-70-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
WWW: view
Place:Kuldiga and reg., Kuldīga
Address:Valles, Rumbas pagasts, Kuldīgas novads
Mon.-Fri.08:00 - 17:00
Company:SIA Lāses AM

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 16.10.2024 09:48