Pārdodu Volvo Xc60, 2.4
Ideālā tehniskā stāvoklī.
Tehniskā apskate līdz 2025.gada oktobrim.
Intereses gadījumā ZVANĪT UZ OTRO NUMMURU.

Brand Volvo XC 60
Year of issue: 2009 october
Engine: 2.4 diesel
Gear box: Automatic
Color: Black
Body type: Jeep
Checkup: 10.2025
Equipment: Power steering, Rear parking sensor, Alloy wheels
Salon: Leather interior, Armrests
Security: Central lock
Mirrors: El. adjustable
Hi-Fi: FM/AM, CD
VIN code: Show VIN code
Auto number: Show state number
Price: 6 200 €
Phone: (+371)25-87-***
Phone: (+371)27-53-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Place:Riga district

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 18.12.2024 13:48