Multivan. 2, 5Tdi. 75kw. mehānisko kārbu. Klimatkontrole. ādas salons. Labā stāvoklī. Veikta lielā apkope. ziemas riepas, ar vieglmetāla diskiem. Vairāk telefoniski. Iespējama maiņa, ar piemaksu man. Maiņas cena 6000.

Brand Volkswagen Multivan
Year of issue: 2001 september
Engine: 2.5 diesel
Gear box: Manual 5 speed
Run, km: 349 000
Color: Grey
Body type: Minibus
Number of seats: 7
Checkup: 05.2025
Equipment: Power steering, Conditioner, Climate control, Autonomous heater, Cabin air purifier, Hitch, Пороги, Alloy wheels
Light: Addition stop signal
Salon: Leather interior, Armrests, Tinted glass
Security: ABS, Central lock, Signaling, Immobilizer, Air-bag, ESP, Marking
Mirrors: El. adjustable, With heating
Hi-Fi: FM/AM, CD, MP3, USB
VIN code: Show VIN code
Auto number: Show state number
Price: 5 799 €
Phone: (+371)29-12-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Place:Talsi and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 08.01.2025 19:15