Párdod labu Mercedes Clk Avangard, jauna tehniskà apskate. Motors 2.6 compresors.
Tehniski un vizuàli labà kártíbá. Labas ziemas riepas.
Mainíts ğenerators, stúres pastiprinàtaja súknis, jauni bremžu kluči un rocenes loki un vèl viskautkas ko izstàs uz vietas reàlam pircèjam.
Cena runájama. Vairàk informàcijas zvanot vai rakstot whatsapp.

Brand Mercedes CLK
Year of issue: 2002 july
Engine: 2.6 gasoline
Gear box: Automatic 6 speed
Run, km: 200 000
Color: Grey
Body type: Coupe
Checkup: 01.2026
Equipment: Power steering, Conditioner, Climate control, Cabin air purifier, Board computer, Parking sensor front, Rear parking sensor, Rain sensor, Круиз-контроль, Luke, Alloy wheels
Light: Xenon
Seats: El. adjustable, With heating
Salon: Leather interior, Armrests, Tinted glass
Rudder: Adjustable, El. adjustable
Security: ABS, Central lock, Signaling, Immobilizer, Air-bag, ESP, ASR
Mirrors: El. adjustable, With heating
Hi-Fi: FM/AM, CD
VIN code: Show VIN code
Auto number: Show state number
Price: 3 200 €
Phone: (+371)29-87-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
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Place:Liepaja and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 27.12.2024 16:08