BMW 730d FL 3.0 dīzelis (170kw/238zs)
TA 03.07.2025
2 disku komplekti
Cena runājama, bez ziemas diskiem (style95) -500eur
Atrodas Ogrē.
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Auto laba stavoklī pats braucu 3 gadus un ir šis tas izdarīts.

-Šogad mainīti bremžu diski ar klučiem, tiltam aizmugurējam bukses mainitas, kvēlsveces ar bloku.
Pa pēdējiem 3 gadiem
-Hidromufta restaurēta
-Bremžu trubas jaunas liktas pa lielam visur tai skaitā aktīvajam stabilizatoram
-Ritošajā ik pa laikam tika celts uz pacēlāja un mainīts kas jāmaina
-Tas pats attiecas uz eglīti spidometrā (abs bloks, sgm-sim bloks)
-Motoram un kārbai termostati, trubas šur tur maninītas.
-Eļļas apkopes brauktas max līdz 10k km
-Xenon bloki jauni

Brand Bmw 730
Year of issue: 2005 november
Engine: 3.0 diesel
Gear box: Automatic 6 speed
Run, km: 335 000
Color: Black
Body type: Sedan
Checkup: 07.2026
Equipment: Power steering, Conditioner, Climate control, Autonomous heater, Cabin air purifier, Board computer, Tire pressure monitoring, Parking sensor front, Rear parking sensor, Rain sensor, Круиз-контроль, El. trunk closing, Luke, Alloy wheels
Light: Bi-xenon, Autom. dipped beam, Autom. high beam
Seats: El. adjustable, With heating, With memory
Salon: Leather interior, Armrests, Tinted glass, Isofix mounts
Security: ABS, Central lock, Air-bag
Rudder: El. adjustable, Multifunctional, With memory
Mirrors: El. adjustable, With heating, Blackout, El. retractable
Hi-Fi: FM/AM, CD, CD changer, Навигация, Phone
VIN code: Show VIN code
Auto number: Show state number
Price: 6 000 €
Phone: Show number
Phone: (+371)27-42-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Place:Ogre and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1217
Date: 11.03.2025 14:58

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