Pārdodu BMW 318i (105kw)
Gads: 2009.03.
Auto 3 gadus atpakaļ ievests no Vācijas.
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Tehniskā apskate, derīga līdz 2025.04.
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Apskatāms Rigā / Ogrē

Brand Bmw 318
Year of issue: 2009 march
Engine: 2.0 gasoline
Gear box: Manual 6 speed
Run, km: 216 800
Color: Grey
Body type: Sedan
Checkup: 04.2025
Equipment: Power steering, Conditioner, Climate control, Cabin air purifier, Board computer, Tire pressure monitoring, Rear parking sensor, Rain sensor, Круиз-контроль, System Start-Stop, Roof rails, Sports package, Service book, Alloy wheels
Light: Autom. dipped beam
Seats: With heating
Salon: Armrests
Security: ABS, Central lock, Air-bag, ESP, ASR
Rudder: Adjustable, Multifunctional
Mirrors: El. adjustable, With heating
Hi-Fi: FM/AM
VIN code: Show VIN code
Auto number: Show state number
Price: 3 500 €
Phone: (+371)26-36-***
E-mail: Send e-mail

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 25.02.2025 11:22