Audi 90/2.0/5cilindri
Bez rūsas, patiess nobraukums, keramiskais pārklājums, krown apstrāde, trīs oriģinālo disku komplekti, labas ziemas riepas ar šipiem.
Var kārtot VS.

Brand Audi 90
Year of issue: 1989
Engine: 2.0 gasoline
Gear box: Manual 5 speed
Run, km: 212 476
Color: Red
Body type: Sedan
Checkup: 10.2025
Equipment: Power steering, Luke, Alloy wheels
Light: Fog headlights
Security: ABS, Central lock
Mirrors: El. adjustable
Hi-Fi: FM/AM
VIN code: Show VIN code
Auto number: Show state number
Price: 3 100 €
Phone: Show number
E-mail: Send e-mail

Number of unique visits: 1188
Date: 12.03.2025 10:49

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