Netto cena 40000 eur bez pvn.
Komatsu Pc-210Lc-10
Izlaiduma gads 2015,
Nostrādātās stundas 17078h.
Harvestera galva Waratah 470
Uzmērīšanas programa Timber Ride (Timbermatic)
Var apskatīt darbībā mežā

Type: Tree trucks
Brand: Komatsu
Model: Pc-210Lc-10
Year of issue: 2015
Price: 48 400 €
Phone: (+371)29-19-***
Phone: (+371)25-91-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Company:Apse Kl

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 19.12.2024 15:51