Pārdod 3 stāvu administratīvo ēku.

Celtne atrodas jauktas centra apbūves teritorijā (Jc4) un to var pielāgot birojiem, skolai, pansionātam, viesnīcai, vai tml.

Ēka celta 1959.gadā. Remontdarbi ēkā sen nav veikti.
Daļa logu nomainīti uz plastmasas pakešu logiem.
Augsti griesti - virs 3 m.

Visos stāvos ir taisni gaiteņi ar kabinetiem malās (18 vai 36 kvm).
3.stāva vienā spārnā aktu zāle.
Neapdzīvots pagraba stāvs.
Vairākas koplietošanas tualetes katrā stāvā.

Kopējs gāzes apkures katls ar blakus ēku. Kopš 2022.gada ziemas apkure nav pieslēgta.

Šobrīd apmēram 30% ēkas ir iznomātas, bet tie ir terminējami nomas līgumi.

Ēkas priekšā kopts parks.
Autostāvvietas ēkas priekšā vai aizmugurē. Iespēja uztaisīt lielāku autostāvvietas laukumu ēkas aizmugurē.
Zeme šobrīd kopīga ar blakus ēku, bet ir uzsākts tās nodalīšanas process. Plānotā platība ap 4500 kvm.

Apdare: Stāvoklis - neremontēts
Atrašanās vieta: tuvumā veikali un kafejnīcas, ērta sabiedriskā transporta kustība, liela autobraucēju plūsma
Autostāvvieta: stāvvieta pagalmā
Tirdzniecības platību izm. veids: ārstniecības uzņēmumam, hostelis/viesnīca
Komunikācijas: gāzes apkure, pilsētas ūdens apgāde, pilsētas kanalizācija

For sale: 3-storey administrative building.

The structure is located in a mixed-use central development area (JC4) and can be adapted for offices, a school, a nursing home, a hotel, etc.

The building was constructed in 1959, and renovations have not been carried out for a long time. Some windows have been replaced with plastic double-glazed windows. High ceilings - over 3 meters.

All floors have straight corridors with offices on the sides (18 or 36 sq. meters). On the third floor, there is a conference hall on one side. The basement floor is unoccupied. Several shared toilets on each floor.

Shared gas heating boiler with the adjacent building. Heating has been disconnected since the winter of 2022.

Currently, approximately 30% of the building is leased, but those are lease agreements with set terms.

In front of the building, there is a well-maintained park. Parking spaces are available in front or behind the building. There is an opportunity to create a larger parking area behind the building.
The land is currently shared with the neighbor building, but the process of its separation has been initiated. The planned area is around 4500 sq. meters.

Finishing: Condition - not renovated
Location: shops and cafes nearby, convenient public transport, intensive vehicle traffic
Parking lot: parking in the courtyard
Area, type of retail premises: for medical company, hostel/hotel
Communications: gas heating, city water supply, city sewage

City, district: Riga
City/civil parish: Sarkandaugava
Street: Ganibu d. 38 [Map]
Area: 2977 m²
Price: 1 490 000 € (500.50 €/m²)

Phone: (+371)29-47-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
WWW: view
Address:Elizabetes iela 51-10, Rīga
Mon.-Fri.09:00 - 18:00

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 16.09.2024 14:48