Rūpnieciskās apbūves zeme Jelgavā, Lapskalna iela 18A (kad. Nr. 0900 012 0033) ar kopējo platību 1 ha. Nekustamais īpašuma atrodas 1, 5 km attālumā no Jelgavas pilsētas centra. Piebraukšana īpašumam tiek nodrošināta no Lapskalna ielas. Iela ir ļoti ērti lietojama, kā kravas tā arī vieglajam auto transportam.
Pēc Jelgavas pilsētas Teritorijas plānojuma īpašums atrodas Rūpnieciskās apbūves teritorija (R)

For sale: land for commercial development in Jelgava, Lapskalna iela 18A, cadastral. No. 0900 012 0033, with a total area of 1 ha. The property is in a strategically advantageous location, 1, 5 km away from the city center, close to public transport. The property can be accessed by municipal street, the street is very convenient for the use of cargo vehicles and cars.
According to the territorial planning of Jelgava District, the land plot is located in Mixed production and business areas.

City, district: Jelgava and reg.
City/civil parish: Jelgava
Street: Lapskalna 18a [Map]
Area: 1 ha.
Assignment: Commercial building
Catastral number: 0900 012 0033
Price: 150 000 € (15 €/m²)

PDF: open
Place:Jelgava and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 02.07.2024 10:40