Pārdodam lauksaimniecības zemes Sēlijā, Mazzalves pagastā.
Īpašums attrodas nepilnu 50km attālumā no Aizkraukles un 95km attālumā no Rīgas.

Kopējā platība: 143, 78 hektāri

- Lauksaimniecības zeme: 123, 99 ha
- Meža zeme: 15, 20 ha
- Cita zeme: 4, 59 ha

Produktivitātes indekss: 40-45 punkti

Zeme šobrīd ir iznomāta.


For sale: Agricultural land in Southern Latvia, Mazzalve Parish.
The property is located less than 50 km from Aizkraukle and 95 km from Riga.

Total area: 143.78 hectares

- Agricultural land: 123.99 ha
- Forest land: 15.20 ha
- Other land: 4.59 ha

Productivity index: 40-45 points

The land is currently leased.

City, district: Aizkraukle and reg.
City/civil parish: Mazzalves pag.
Township: -
Street: Tālumi [Map]
Area: 144 ha.
Assignment: Agricultural land
Catastral number: 32660020031
Price: 736 300 € (0.51 €/m²)

Place:Aizkraukle and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 09.08.2024 12:07