"Duntes biroji" ir viens no spilgtākajiem spēlētājiem Skanstes biznesa apkaimē – tā ir A klases biroju ēka, kas saņēmusi BREEAM sertifikātu, kas apliecina ēkas ilgtspēju un energoefektivitāti.

Biroju komplekss veidots kā divdaļīga septiņstāvu ēka un tajā ir četri lifti, kas nodrošina ātru piekļuvi vēlamajam stāvam. Pateicoties moduļu principam, biroja telpu plānojums ir viegli maināms un pielāgojams nomnieku individuālajām prasībām.

Ieejot ēkas satriecošajā stikla ātrijā, telpu piepilda dabiska gaisma, kas spēj radīt iedvesmojošu atmosfēru produktivitātei. Ēkas koncepciju izstrādājis labi pazīstams somu arhitekts Tuomu Siitonen un “Duntes biroji” savulaik saņēmuši apbalvojumu nominācijā “Labākā biroju ēka”.

"Duntes birojus" izvēlējušies nomnieki ar nevainojamu reputāciju: "Circle K", "Samsung", "Mc Donald's" un citi uzņēmumi.

- 24 stundu dzīvā apsardze,
- Consierge pakalpojumi;
- Pazemes un virszemes autostāvvieta + elektro uzlādes stacija;
- Pusdienu restorāns Noonbox.

"Duntes biroji" is one of the brightest players in the Skanstes business district - it is an A-class office building that has received a BREEAM certificate which confirms the building's sustainability and energy efficiency.

The office complex is designed as a two-part seven-story building and has four elevators that provide quick access to the desired floor. Thanks to the modular principle, the layout of the office premises can be easily changed and adapted to the individual requirements of the tenants.

Upon entering the building's stunning glass atrium, the space is filled with natural light that can create an inspiring atmosphere for productivity. The concept of the building was developed by the well-known Finnish architect Tuomu Siitonen, and "Duntes offices" have received an award in the "Best Office Building" nomination.

"Duntes offices" have been chosen by tenants with a impeccable reputation: "Circle K", "Samsung", "Mc Donald's" and other companies.

- 24-hour live security,
- Concierge services;
- Underground and surface parking + electric charging station;
- Lunch restaurant Noonbox.

City: Riga
District: Centre
Street: Duntes 6 [Map]
Area: 211 m²
Floor / floors: 2/7/elevator
Price: 2 224 €/mon. (10.54 €/m²)

Phone: (+371)20-26-***
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Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 19.09.2024 15:49