Lauku īpašums ar privātmāju, pirti, palīgēkām un 8.6 ha zemes gabalu.

Koka māja, apšūta ar ķieģeļiem. Apsildei tika izmantota malkas apkures krāsns, kas ir saglabājusies ideālā stāvoklī. Virtuvē var izmantot malkas plīti un cept maizi.

Mājas plānojuma apraksts:
- 3 istabas;
- atsevišķa virtuve;
- palīgtelpa;
- priekštelpa.

Pieejamas plašas bēniņu telpas, kuras var pārveidot par dzīvojamām istabām.

Īpašumā liels zemes gabals ar kopējo platību 8.6 ha, no kuriem 6.4 ha ir lauksaimniecībā izmantojamā zeme un 2.2 ha mežs.

Teritorijā ir vairākas palīgēkas - šķūnis, kūts, kā arī pagrabs, kuru var izmantot kā pamatus privātmājas celšanā (ir saskaņots projekts) un pirts ēka. Izrakts dīķis, īpašumā aug seni koki, ābeles, bumbieres, plūmes, ķirši.

10 minūšu braucienā Blīdenes pagasta centrs, kur atrodas pārtikas veikals, skola, kultūras nams. 15 minūšu braucienā Brocēni, kur pieejama visa ikdienā nepieciešamā infrastruktūra, 20 minūtes līdz Saldus pilsētai.

Zvaniet, rakstiet (SMS, Whatsapp, E-mail), lai noskaidrotu sīkāku informāciju.


A private house with several outbuildings, sauna and a 8.6 ha plot of land.

Wooden house, covered with bricks. A wood-burning stove was used for heating, which has been preserved in perfect condition. In the kitchen you can use a wood stove and bake bread.

Description of the house plan:
- 3 rooms;
- separate kitchen;
- utility room;
- anteroom.

Spacious attic available that can be converted into living rooms.

The property has a large plot of land with a total area of 8.6 ha, of which 6.4 ha is agricultural land and 2.2 ha is forest.

There are several auxiliary buildings on the territory - a barn, a stable, as well as a basement, which can be used as a foundation for the construction of a private house (a project has been agreed) and a sauna building. There is a pond, the territory is full with old trees, apple trees, pears, plums, cherries.

10 minutes drive to the center of Blīdene parish, where there is a grocery store, a school, a cultural center. A 15-minute drive to Brocēni, where all the necessary daily infrastructure is available, 20 minutes to the Saldus.

Call, write (SMS, Whatsapp, E-mail) to find out more information.

City/civil parish: Blīdenes pag.
City, district: Saldus and reg.
Township: Stūri
Street: Rožkalni [Map]
Area: 60 m²
Amount of floors: 1
Rooms: 3
Land area: 86000 m²
Price: 60 000 €

Phone: (+371)26-29-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
Place:Saldus and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 24.08.2024 12:39