Tiek pārdots īpašums ideālā un klusā vietā, Vītoliņos.

Ar automašīnu līdz Jelgavas centram10 minūtes.

Mājā 3 istabas un liela izmēra saimniecības telpa ar siltajām grīdām, kura būs piemērota mājražošanai vai lielāka biznesa uzsākšanai.

Māja būvēta 4 gadus atpakaļ no individuāli ražotiem dzelzsbetona trīs slāņu paneļiem.
Masā tonēta betona fasāde- tumši pelēka.
Siltumizolācija 240mm. Ļoti energoefektīva, klusa un stabila būve.
Lentveida pamati. Iekšsienas daļa mūrētas, daļa no dzelzsbetona.
Pamatīgi siltināts jumts- akmens vate 350mm+keramzīts.

Ūdens- dziļurbums 43 metri. Uzstādīti ogles, sāls un sveķu filtri.
Apkure- siltum sūknis (Daikin) Gaiss-Ūdens, siltās grīdas.
Kanalizācija- BIO attīrīšana ar dūņām.

Īpašums sastāv no :
1. 13 000 m2 zemes. Iespējams dalīt.
2. Jauni celtas dzīvojamās ēkas 100m2 platībā.
3. Mājas pamati ar aktīvu būvatļauju.
4. Divi elektrības pieslēgumi. Katrs 25 A
5. Kopts un liels karpu dīķis.
6. Kopts mauriņš ~ 10 000m2

Īpašums tiek pārdots ar visām mēbelēm un sadzīves tehniku (trauku mazgājamā mašīna, veļas mašīna, veļas žāvētājs utml. )

Īpašums ir mežu ieskauts. 100 metru attālumā zirgu staļļi un to ganību vietas. 500 metru attālumā Lielupe.

Tiek izstrādāts projekts Lāču ielas asfaltēšanai pilnā garumā.

Property for sale in an ideal and quiet location, Vitolini. 10 minutes by car to the center of Jelgava.
Much of the property is surrounded by municipal land where construction is not permitted.

The house has 3 rooms and a large utility room with warm floors, which will be suitable for home production or the start of a larger business.

The house was built 4 years ago from individually manufactured reinforced concrete three-layer panels.
Mass tinted concrete facade - dark gray.
Thermal insulation 240mm. Very energy-efficient, quiet and stable construction. Part of the inner wall is made of masonry, part of reinforced concrete.
Thoroughly insulated roof - stone wool 350mm + expanded clay.

Water - deep well 43 meters. Carbon, salt and resin filters are installed.
Heating - heat pump (Daikin) Air-Water, warm floors.
Sewage - BIO purification with sludge.

The property consists of:
1. 13, 000 m2 of land. It is possible to divide.
2. Newly built residential buildings with an area of 100m2.
3. House foundations with an active building permit.
4. Two electrical connections. Each 25 A
5. Well-maintained and large carp pond.
6. Maintained lawn ~ 10, 000m2

The property is sold with all furniture and household appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, tumble dryer, etc. )

The property is surrounded by forest. Horse stables and their pastures are 100 meters away.

A project for asphalting Lāču Street along its entire length is being developed.

City/civil parish: Jelgava
City, district: Jelgava and reg.
Street: Sili [Map]
Area: 100 m²
Amount of floors: 1
Rooms: 3
Land area: 13000 m²
Facilities: Central heating, Garage, Near the river, Pond
Price: 248 450 €

Place:Jelgava and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 18.06.2024 13:25