Klusā iekšpagalma ēkā tiek pārdots 2 istabu dzīvoklis ar pasakainu skatu pār koku galotnēm.
Dzīvoklī ir virtuves telpa, kas apvienota ar dzīvojamo zonu, guļamistaba un sanmezgls ar vannu.
Ēkai ir atjaunota fasāde, nomainīti stāvvadi, ir uzstādīti siltuma skaitītāji. Zeme īpašumā.

Nams sastāv no 3 korpusiem, galvenā ēka atrodas slēgtā un labiekārtotā iekšpagalma teritorijā. Teritoriju ap namu ieskauj koki un apstādījumi, tā ir aprīkota ar gaumīgu apgaismojumu, radot mājīgu noskaņu.
Visi nepieciešamie infrastruktūras objekti atrodas pastaigas attālumā, ieskaitot veikalus, restorānus un kultūras iestādes. Blakus ir arī skolas, bērnudārzi un sabiedriskā transporta pieturas.

For sale a 2-room apartment with a fabulous view over the treetops in a quiet courtyard building.
The apartment has a kitchen combined with a living area, a bedroom and a bathroom with a bathtub.
The facade of the building has been renovated, risers have been replaced, heat meters have been installed. Land owned.

The house consists of 3 buildings, the main building is located in the territory of a closed and well-maintained courtyard. The area around the house is surrounded by trees and greenery, it is equipped with tasteful lighting, creating a cozy atmosphere.
All necessary infrastructure facilities are within walking distance, including shops, restaurants and cultural institutions. Schools, kindergartens and public transport stops are also nearby.

City: Riga
District: Centre
Street: Brivibas 95 [Map]
Rooms: 2
Area: 55 m²
Floor / floors: 6/7
Series: Recon.
House type: Stone
Facilities: Parking
Price: 109 900 € (1 998.18 €/m²)

Phone: (+371)26-17-***
E-mail: Send e-mail
WWW: view
Company:1 37 digital agency

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 19.09.2024 21:07