Pārdod 3 istabu dzīvokli renovētā un labiekārtotā namā Pagalms 87. Dzīvoklis piedāvājumā bez remonta.

Pagalms 87 sastāv no četrām ēkām: viena divstāvu koka ēka un trīs ķieģeļu nami. Visām ēkām atjaunota fasāde, izremontētas pagrabtelpas, kāpņu telpas, atjaunoti jumta segumi, kā arī labiekārtots un apzaļumots iekšpagalms. Vecās komunikācijas aizvietotas ar jaunu ūdensapgādi, kanalizācijas un apkures sistēmu. Ēkās ierīkotas jaunas elektroinstalācijas un ievietoti mūsdienīgi trīs slāņu stikla pakešu logi koka ietvaros, ar augstiem skaņas un siltuma izolācijas rādītājiem. Ēku ieejas durvis slēdzamas ar koda atslēgu, kāpņutelpas izgaismotas un aprīkotas ar video novērošanas kamerām gan pie ieejas no fasādes, gan arī pie ieejas no pagalma puses. Dzīvokļu ārdurvis nomainītas uz ugunsdrošām - atbilstoši mūsdienu tehniskajām prasībām, bet ēku vēsturiskās ārdurvis restaurētas.

Pieejami gan neremontēti dzīvokļi, gan dzīvokļi ar apdari.

Zeme īpašumā. Atsevišķi dzīvokļa īpašumi ar zemes domājamām daļām.
Teritorija labiekārtota un slēgta, ieeja ar koda atslēgām.
Apkure: Rīgas Siltums ar skaitītājiem katram dzīvoklim atsevišķi.
Kāpņutelpas izgaismotas un aprīkotas ar video novērošanas kamerām gan pie ieejas no fasādes, gan arī pie ieejas no pagalma puses. NIN atlaide 50 % apmērā.

Pagrabstāvā iespējams iegādāties noliktavu mantu glabāšanai. Pagalmā ierīkotas virszemes autostāvvietas un 8 no tam aprīkotas ar modernām elektro auto uzlādes stacijām.

Tikai 5 minūšu gājienā atrodas Ziedoņdārzs, kurā pieejams bērnu rotaļu un sporta laukums, nodrošinot aktīvu brīvdienu iespējas. Apkārtnē ir bērnu dārzi un skolas, kā arī jaukas kafejnīcas. Turklāt, tikai 7 minūšu gājienā esošais aktīvais Rīgas centrs nodrošina plašas izklaides un iespējas atpūtai.

For sale a 3-room apartment in a renovated and well-furnished building Pagalms 87. The apartment is offered without repair.

Pagalms 87 consists of four buildings: one two-story wooden building and three brick houses. All buildings have a renovated facade, renovated basements, stairwells, renewed roof coverings, as well as a landscaped and greened courtyard. The old communications were replaced with a new water supply, sewage and heating system. New electrical installations have been installed in the buildings and modern three-layer glass windows in a wooden frame, with high sound and heat insulation indicators, have been installed. The entrance doors of the buildings can be locked with a code key, the stairwells are illuminated and equipped with video surveillance cameras both at the entrance from the facade and also at the entrance from the yard. The front doors of the apartments have been changed to fireproof ones - in accordance with modern technical requirements, while the historical front doors of the buildings have been restored.

It is possible to buy the apartment without decoration and to design the interior of the apartment yourself, as well as to buy it with full decoration, entrusting the creation of the design of the apartment to 1 37 digital agency.

Land owned. Separate apartment properties with plots of land.
The territory is landscaped and closed, entrance with code keys.
Heating: Rīgas Siltums with meters for each apartment separately.
The stairwells are illuminated and equipped with video surveillance cameras both at the entrance from the facade and also at the entrance from the yard. NIN discount of 50%.

In the basement, it is possible to buy a warehouse for storing belongings. There are surface parking lots in the yard and 8 of them are equipped with modern electric car charging stations.

Only a 5-minute walk away is Ziedondarzs, where children's playground and sports ground are available, providing opportunities for an active holiday. There are kindergartens and schools in the area, as well as nice cafes. In addition, the active center of Riga, which is only a 7-minute walk away, provides ample entertainment and opportunities for relaxation.

City: Riga
District: Centre
Street: Avotu 46 [Map]
Rooms: 3
Area: 61 m²
Floor / floors: 5/5
Series: Recon.
House type: Stone
Facilities: Parking
Price: 100 469 € (1 647.03 €/m²)

Company:1 37 digital agency

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 25.11.2024 10:58