Izīrē 2 izolētu istabu dzīvokli Ikšķile. Iebūvēta virtuve ar ledusskapi un veļas mašīnu. Daudz iebūvējamo skapju. Slēdzama kāpņu telpa ar koda atslēgu. Autostāvvieta pieejama dzīvokļa pagalmā. Pastaigas attālumā mazie Rimi, MaximaX, vidusskola, bernudārzs un dzelzceļa stacija.

Ir atļauts labi audzināts un apmācīts mazs suns.

Cena 400 eur + komunālie maksājumi.

Slēdzot līgumu, īrniekam jāiemaksā pirmais, pēdējais mēnesis un drošības nauda(300eur).

Vidējā komunālā ziema 2023-2024 ap 250 eur, vasara 2023 ap 150 eur mēnesī.
Ūdens un elektrības izmaksas ir atkarīgas no patērētā daudzuma.

Ir pieejams īrēšanai.

Apartment with 2 separate rooms for rent in Ikškile. Built-in kitchen with refrigerator and washing machine. Many built-in wardrobes. Access door to the building is with code key. Unasigned parking is available in the apartment yard. A small Rimi, MaximaX, high school, kindergarten and train station are within walking distance. A bit further walk is a river beach and enterance to a nature reserve.

A well behaved and potty trained small dog is allowed.

Price 400 eur + communals and utility payments.
When concluding the contract, the tenant must pay the first, last month and a security deposit (300eur).
The average communal- winter 2023-2024 about 250 eur, summer 2023 about 150 eur per month.
Water and electricity cost depends on how much is consumed.

Available for rent.

City, district: Ogre and reg.
City/civil parish: Ikšķile
Street: Melioratoru iela 2 [Map]
Rooms: 2
Area: 54 m²
Floor / floors: 4/5
Series: 103-th
House type: Brick-panel
Facilities: Balcony
Price: 400 €/mon. (7.41 €/m²)

Place:Ogre and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 19.05.2024 11:32