Pirmā iemaksa 1000 Eur. Iespēja maksāt pa daļām. Īpašnieks pārdod 1-istabas dzīvokli Kuldīgas pilsētas centrā.

- dzīvokļa plānojums:ir neliels koridors, kā arī vannas istaba, kur ir dušas telpa un tualetes pods. Dzīvoklī ir virtuve un viena istabas, no abām telpām skats uz Policijas ielu,
- dzīvoklim ir sava individuālā ieeja, līdz ar to tas ir kā dzīvoklis, kas veido savas nelielās privātmājas sajūtu Kuldīgas pilsētas centrā,
- dzīvoklim ir uzsākts remonts, veikta logu nomaiņa un uzstādītas jaunas ārdurvis,
- dzīvoklim ir centralizēti ūdens un kanalizācija,
- dzīvoklim ir jāuzstāda malkas/granulu apkures katls un būs ļoti lēti ikmēneša komunālie maksājumi,
- īpašuma sastāvā ir domājamā daļa no zemes gabala, līdz ar to ir iespējams novietot pie dzīvokļa ieejas automašīnu,
- īpašuma sastāvā ir arī malkas šķūnis/noliktava, kas atrodas 50 metru attālumā no dzīvokļa ieejas,
- dzīvoklis atrodas Kuldīgas centrā un labākie restorāni, atpūtas vietas un Kuldīgas vecpilsēta ir tieši blakus,
- īpašumam ir zemesgrāmata un nav nekādi parādi.

The first payment is 1000 EUR. Option to pay in installments. The owner is selling a 1-room apartment in the center of Kuldiga city.

- layout of the apartment: there is a small corridor, as well as a bathroom with a shower room and a toilet bowl. The apartment has a kitchen and one room, both rooms have a view of the police street,
- the apartment has its own individual entrance, therefore it is like an apartment that creates the feeling of its own small private house in the center of Kuldiga city,
- the apartment has been repaired, the windows have been replaced and a new front door has been installed, new plumbing has been installed in the bathroom, and it is planned to install/install a new floor covering,
- the apartment has centralized water and sewerage,
- the apartment needs to install a wood/pellet heating boiler and the monthly utility payments will be very cheap,
- the property includes the assumed part of the plot of land, therefore it is possible to park a car at the entrance of the apartment,
- the property also includes a firewood shed/storage, located 50 meters from the entrance of the apartment,
- the apartment is located in the center of Kuldīga and the best restaurants, places of rest and the old town of Kuldīga are right next to it,
- the property has a land registry and there are no debts.

City, district: Kuldiga and reg.
City/civil parish: Kuldīga
Street: Policijas iela 1 [Map]
Rooms: 1
Area: 23 m²
Floor / floors: 1/2
Series: Spec. pr.
House type: Stone
Facilities: Parking
Price: 12 500 € (543.48 €/m²)

Place:Kuldiga and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 11.08.2024 23:24