Tiek pārdota divstāvu māja ar visām ērtibām un blakus ēkām. Māja atrodas Krāslavas novadā, ciemā Tartaks. Nekustamais ipašums ir ar nosaukumu "Silenieki", ar kopējo platību 20, 4 Ha, kur 16 ha ir ezers " Tartaks" īpašumā. Kadastra numurs 60960080001. Nekustamais īpašums atrodas Daugavas loku teritorijā ar ainaviskām vietām, priežu mežu. Ideāla vieta sēņotājiem, zvejniekiem vai dabas mīļotājiem.

Is for sale two-story house with all amenities and adjacent buildings. The house is located in the Krāslava district, in the village of "Tartaks". The real estate is called "Silenieki", with a total area of 20.4 ha, where 16 ha is the lake "Tartak" in the property. Cadastre number 60960080001. The real estate is located in the territory of Daugava bends with scenic areas, pine forest. An ideal place for mushroom pickers, fishermen or nature lovers.

City, district: Kraslava and reg.
City/civil parish: Ūdrīšu pag.
Township: Tartaks [Map]
Amount of floors: 2
Rooms: 6
Area: 200 m²
Land area: 20.40 ha.
Facilities: Barn, Bathhouse, Boiler, Garage, Garden, Hot water, Near the lake, Near the river, Stall
Price: 90 000 €

Place:Kraslava and reg.

Number of unique visits: 1
Date: 08.07.2024 08:23